Fuel Availability between MCGowan Island and Dog Leg Creek

Exit Forum Forums Kimberley Coast Boating Forum. Fuel Availability between MCGowan Island and Dog Leg Creek

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Investigator. This post has been viewed 22309 times
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    • #1645

        GDay Ross and other Members

        Great website with heaps of information – thanks.  I am in the process of planning a Kimberleys trip in 2016, in essence Darwin to Broome.  Unlike most other members, I am planning on using a 8m alloy trailerable boat, using twin outboards (ULP).  I am very comfortable with the boat in terms of seaworthness and livability, the major problem I have is fuel.  I have conducted an initial plan and used the details on the website noting where fuel is available, but that leg from McGowan Island Camp Ground to Dog Leg Creek will be difficult.  You have mentioned in the past that fuel was available from Kuri Bay (Paspaley Pearls), but the future availability was uncertain.  Are you or anyone else able to provide an update, or other options for fuel between McGowan and Dog Leg Creek.

        Appreciate all the work that goes into updating and maintaining the website.


        Lyndon (Investigator)

      • #1647

          Hi Lyndon,

          The fuel efficiency and reliability of outboards these days is making ventures like yours possible. We have met 2 separate couples in the last few years who have cruised from Derby to Wyndham in trailable boats. I won’t mention contact details here, but I can put you in touch with one of them if you like. Many jerry cans strapped to the rails was their method of carrying extra fuel.

          The barge out of Wyndham that services Kimberley Coastal Camp (Port Warrender) early in the dry season can drop fuel off at KCC for you.

          Paspaley Pearls are starting up their Port George (near Kuri Bay) pearl farm again this year (2015) operating off a mother ship. They may take fuel out there in drums for you, but they don’t want to know about small orders, so you will need to contact them to ask. Again, I can give you contact details. They will not be land based at Kuri this year, but next year it’s possible they will be back there in strength.

          I spoke to Dean Kemp from Dog Leg creek a few weeks ago, and he is considering putting a small fuel barge in the Sampson Inlet area with ULP, mainly because he is getting quite a few enquiries from outboard motor style boats wanting to venture further out of Derby. Give Dean a call. His number is in the “Fuel in the Kimberley Coast” anchorage leaflet.



        • #1652

            Hi Ross

            Thanks for the reply and appreciate the work you do.  It would be excellent if you could provide the contact details for the couples who have completed the Derby to Wyndham sections and Paspaley pearls.  I will contact Dean Kemp and speak about Sampson Inlet.  The more information I can get the better for my planning.





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